Increase Productivity and Reduce Expenses With AXIOS and PERI UP Scaffolding
Owners and contractors often cite scaffolding as a challenging indirect spend to manage.
We have the solution: our partnership with PERI USA to utilize the PERI UP Flex Modular Scaffolding System. The most advanced scaffolding technology on the market, PERI scaffolding delivers unrivaled quality in a modular design that streamlines the assembly and planning processes.
PERI scaffolding features pre-engineered main components and self-locking ledger connections. The components have a uniform length and width to fit in a grid, so they can interconnect to suit any work site’s geometry.
Working platforms have zero gaps, thanks to the metric grid system and are safe at any height. The galvanized steel panels are slip resistant and lock automatically without extra measures to secure them. With the ability to change direction of the decks, the modular scaffolding can accommodate any site configuration, obstruction or condition.
The system also boasts a generous load-carrying capacity and horizontal members that are tested and certified for tie-offs up to three meters in length.
Made in Germany, PERI scaffolding is manufactured according to strict safety and quality control criteria and isn’t compatible with other systems. This is an additional safety measure since combining components from different manufacturers can create unpredictable results.
PERI UP Scaffold Features
Multipurpose ledgers can be used as a guardrail above the deck and provide extra support at deck level to reduce the overall number of components.
It integrates seamlessly with piping installations to deliver a safe, gap-free working platform.
Our PERI UP scaffold system has passed all seismic qualification tests, and safety yellow toe boards help teams identify and mitigate safety risks.
3D Modeling for Predictable Costs
Behind the scenes, our 3D modeling allows managers to estimate, track, design and predict use of the scaffolding to increase dependability and manage costs. It enables reliable planning and scheduling, so project managers know what to expect and budget.
Why Partner With AXIOS and Use Our PERI UP Scaffold System?
PERI UP is an advanced technology system but not just any team can implement it. You need a team with experience and a strong safety record.
When you combine the AXIOS team’s expertise with our PERI scaffolding, you can increase productivity and efficiencies while reducing your direct labor costs and lowering your head count on site.
- Gravity Lock: The PERI UP Gravity Lock technology maximizes safety and speed during the assembly process.
- PERI deck: These decks instantly lock into place without the use of tools or consumables and have a perforated, anti-slip surface.
- Versatile fit: PERI UP components fit in all directions on a 25 centimeter grid for easy adjustment around any obstacle, for any site configuration, and eliminate the need for wood.
- Tie-off points: PERI UP is the only system approved to allow tie-off to the ledgers. This allows for 100% tie-off and the elimination of pendulum falls.
Save Time With AXIOS and PERI UP Scaffolding
We deliver unrivaled safety, productivity and flexibility with the lowest total installed cost. Talk to us about how we can implement a PERI UP scaffold solution to increase efficiency at your site.

How AXIOS Engineering and PERI UP Saved a Customer 21%
How to select a PERI UP system provider
What questions should you ask when choosing a PERI UP contractor?